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5 fat loss tips for vegans

5 fat loss tips for vegans

3 minute read

5 Fat Loss Tips For Vegans

In order to lose weight, including fat loss, you have to burn more calories than you eat. To be able to do this you need to know how many calories you need every day. There are various tools on the internet for this, there are also apps that can help you with this. A man needs an average of 2500 calories a day, a woman about 2000. These are average guidelines that have to do with your height, weight, age, etc. To lose weight you will be about 250-500 calories below this.

Are you a vegan and do you want to work on fat loss? Then the same rules actually apply, eat fewer calories than you need. However, there are a number of factors that can help you with that.
5 fat loss tips for vegans

Get enough protein

If you're on a balanced plant-based diet, you don't have to worry about protein deficiencies. But when you drop below your daily calorie intake to lose fat, it is wise to pay close attention to your protein intake. The use of a vegan protein supplement is therefore recommended. You can of course find this at VNMshop.

Eat whole products

We've talked about the Whole Food Plant Based Diet before. This means that you eat whole products as much as possible. Think of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Limit the intake of processed products, that's all that comes in a package.

Do strength training

Many people choose to do cardio training when they want to lose weight. Of course this helps for fat loss, but it also ensures that your muscles will relax. Of course you want to keep these muscles. Strength training has two advantages when you want to lose weight; your muscles stay tight and present and your metabolism increases.

Take a Hike!

Walking is not seen by many as a sport or a way to lose weight. Walking is an activity under low intensity, which ensures that you enter the fat burning zone. In addition to your weekly strength training, take regular walks and you will soon see the results.

Measuring is knowing

Most people measure with the scales whether they have lost weight. Stepping on the scale every week is a tense moment for many people. However, do not be too guided by what the scale says, because your weight varies from day to day under the influence of various factors. Use the number as a kind of guide. Also take before and after pictures of yourself so you can see the difference and measure the size of your waist regularly.

At VNMshop you can also find a skin fold meter to measure the loss of fat.
Also take a look at our vegan feeding schedules

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