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Proteins are an important part of our diet, but the focus is now very clearly on these building materials. Our diet consists of macronutrients and micronutrients. To follow a healthy diet, you need to consume these nutrients in the right amounts. Nowadays people apparently only talk about proteins. You see it in all diets, from Paleo and Keto to low-carb diets, where proteins play the absolute leading role. Even in a vegan diet, people talk about protein all the time. In addition, you will be bombarded with it in the supermarket. It is stated everywhere that the product contains proteins, whether or not extra has been added. Meal bars, cereals, yogurt with extra protein; it's so crazy to think of. 

People have built an aura of absolute necessity around protein. But what about really? How important are proteins? How much protein do you need daily? Which proteins are the best? You can read all about it here!

A protein guide for beginners

Not all protein shake powders are created equal. Some forms of protein, such as whey, have been shown to be better than others. The big advantage of whey protein is that it contains all the essential amino acids that are therefore quickly absorbed by the body.

Numerous studies show that whey protein can help you increase your strength, help build muscle and that whey contributes to the loss of body fat. Whey doesn't just contain proteins, however. It contains even more nutrients that have powerful biological effects. Of all the supplements in the world, whey protein is probably the most studied.

Are you planning to start taking protein shakes? In this article you can read all about whey protein, how it works, whether it is right for you, and how it can help you achieve your goals.

What are proteins and why are they important for muscle growth?

You can see proteins as the building material of our body. That's why protein is a macronutrient, you need a lot of it in proportion. Proteins are built from amino acids, which provide structural support for every cell in your body. Cells are built up by proteins and are therefore part of the skin, joints, bones, nails and muscles. In addition, proteins are involved in the functioning of the immune system, hormone regulation and the transmission of signals from one organ to another.

We get the protein we eat from sources such as meat, chicken, fish and legumes. This protein consists of small compounds called amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids, nine of which are considered essential amino acids. That's because our body needs them and they have to be obtained from food. We also get the other amino acids from our diet, but if you don't eat these, the body will form them by breaking down other proteins. These are therefore considered semi-essential amino acids.

What is Whey Protein?

Whey is the liquid part of milk that is secreted during cheese making. Milk contains two types of proteins; casein and whey. When you open a container of yogurt or cottage cheese, you often see some kind of moisture on the top; that's whey. Previously it was thrown away by cheese makers, but later its value was discovered.

Obviously, some steps are required to make a whey protein from the aqueous product. Whey itself does not taste very good, which is why it is usually provided with aromas. That is why you can now choose whey with many flavors, of which chocolate, vanilla and strawberry are the most popular. In the early years of whey products, these were usually sweetened with sugar and contained other unhealthy additives. Nowadays, the products are getting cleaner, this is important because the product is mainly supplied to people who want to be involved with nutrition. Whey proteins are no longer only taken by bodybuilders, many athletes and people who want to lose weight see the benefits of taking the right proteins.

The modern whey proteins contain almost no additives and all taste delicious. You can of course find them in the VNMshop range.
Generally, whey is well tolerated by humans, but some suffer from lactose intolerance. In that case, it is better to opt for an alternative product based on plants such as vegan proteins.

The different types of whey

If you search for proteins on the VNMshop site, you may notice that there are different types of whey proteins. The difference between these types is in the processing.
• Whey concentrate consists of approximately 70-80% protein. It contains lactose, fat and tastes the best.
Whey Isolate consists of 90% or more protein. It contains less to no lactose and fat.
• Whey hydro isolate is a type of whey that has been pre-digested so that it can be absorbed by the body even faster. However, it also creates a higher peak in insulin levels because of this.

The best choice depends on you. Whey concentrate is usually the cheapest option, and it often provides the best flavor. Whey Isolate is the best choice for people who think it is important that they mainly get protein and no other nutrients.

How much protein do we need?

The focus of the market is very much on proteins, but you don't actually need that much protein for your body to function properly. In order for the body to meet its basic needs, an adult person needs 0,83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In practice, everyone who follows a Western diet gets enough protein per day. In most cases, this amounts to about 90 grams of protein per day. 

However, this amount depends on several factors, such as age and activity. For example, people who exercise a lot need more protein per day. For endurance athletes, therefore, a guideline of 1,4 to 1,6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight applies. People who do strength sports need a little more: 1,6 to 2,5 grams per kilogram of body weight. 

What is also very important, however, is how you spread your protein intake throughout the day.

Meal timing is important

Nutritionists recommend eating a protein-rich breakfast. So if you mainly eat cereal in the morning, you would do well to add more protein. The reason for this is as follows: When you sleep, the body starts to break down proteins. Your body remains in a breakdown mode until you consume a protein-rich meal. After this, the recovery phase of the body will begin again. Experts therefore recommend aiming for 20 to 35 grams of protein at breakfast. Keep about the same amounts with every meal after that. 

Are the benefits of protein for weight loss true?

Proteins are indispensable in a healthy diet, our body needs them to build cells. In addition, it is important for athletes to pay close attention to protein intake. Not only fanatical athletes run away with proteins, people who want to lose weight also see the positive properties of proteins. 

If you want to lose weight you will have to consume fewer calories than your body needs. The low-carbohydrate diet has become very popular as a result. That's because this diet saves a lot of calories due to the low number of carbohydrates. In that case, proteins and fats provide the calories, the proteins also ensure that you do not burn muscles and proteins provide a feeling of satiety. However, a low-carbohydrate diet can never be maintained for long and in most cases causes the well-known yo-yo effect. 

It is much better to stick to a diet that contains all the nutrients in the right proportion. Combine this with regular exercise and enough rest to really get fit. 

Protein; what is recommended for athletes?

For people who want to work on their physique, proteins are their best friend. You need enough protein to maintain muscle. In addition, the muscles that sustain minor damage during training must be repaired. The muscles are adapted to the new impulses, causing them to grow and become stronger. However, the body does need extra proteins for this. Athletes have higher protein needs for two reasons: They generally have more muscle mass and they need this important building block to recover from a workout.  

However, to gain more muscle mass and strength you will also have to train. Eating protein alone will not give you big biceps. If you follow a good training schedule, it is also important to time the intake of proteins. Athletes and athletes should consume protein at every meal. Even distribution over the day is important. Shortly before a workout (60-90 minutes) it is best to keep the intake of proteins to a minimum. Otherwise you will have problems digesting it.

During your pre-workout meal, focus on fuel in the form of carbohydrates. After training it is important to eat a meal that contains lean proteins. Combine this with lots of vegetables, healthy fats and carbohydrates from so-called whole foods. You can think of grains, rice, quinoa, etc. Eating a complete meal that contains all nutrients is much more nutritious than focusing on individual nutrients. This ensures optimal muscle recovery and build-up.

What is my daily protein requirement?

The number of grams of protein you need per day depends on various factors. One of those factors is, for example, the sport you practice. To ensure that your muscles can properly recover, grow and become stronger, follow the following guidelines: 

  • For someone who does not exercise, 0,83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is sufficient;
  • A recreational athlete needs about 1 to 1,2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight;
  • For an endurance athlete, a recommended amount of 1,4 to 1,6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight applies;
  • Are you a strength athlete? Then you need 1,6 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. 

It does not matter whether it is a man or a woman. If we assume a person weighing 85 kilograms, then a non-athlete needs about 70 grams of protein per day. An endurance athlete should ensure that he or she consumes approximately 119 to 136 grams of protein and strength athletes 136 to 170 grams. These proteins can easily be obtained from a good diet. You can do this by eating enough wholemeal bread, dairy, meat, chicken, fish, oatmeal, legumes and nuts every day. 

Can you eat too much protein?

Due to the popularity of proteins, a kind of counter-movement arose. The dangers of consuming too much protein were pointed out. However, the latest studies indicate that there are no dangers if you consume more than the daily amount of protein. However, there is one caveat: If you have kidney disease or diabetes, you will have to be careful about the amount of protein you eat every day. 

Are you healthy and do you exercise regularly? Then there may be advantages to consuming more protein than the daily recommended amount. However, your body may reach a threshold when it comes to hunger and muscle building at some point. At that point, the excess protein will be stored as fat. Keep this rule: If you're going to add more protein to your diet, cut out other calories, otherwise it will cause weight gain. But of course it may be that this is your need, such as in a bulking phase.

In a so-called cut phase or dry training phase, an athlete needs more proteins. That's because the body is in a calorie deficit during this period. This will make it appeal to proteins to obtain energy. Maintaining the built-up muscles is very important for the athlete. That is why an athlete may consume slightly more than 2 grams of protein per kilogram per day during this period.  

Do you have to eat meat to get enough protein?

You don't have to eat meat or other animal products to get enough protein. A vegan or vegetarian gets enough from vegetable proteins, provided the diet is well structured. There is a difference between vegetable and animal protein sources. Proteins from animal sources provide all the amino acids, making them more readily available for your body to absorb directly. Plant protein sources are less available and they usually don't provide all 20 amino acids. 

As a vegetarian or vegan, you will therefore have to ensure a good diet that allows you to get vegetable proteins from different sources. 

What are the best plant-based protein sources?

Are you a fanatical athlete and do you follow a plant-based diet? It is then wise to ensure that you get enough protein through your diet. It is therefore advisable to follow a well-structured diet. It is important to obtain proteins from various plant sources. Plant products usually do not contain all amino acids. Your body can build complete amino acids on its own, but then they must be obtained through the diet. You will therefore have to eat as varied as possible.  

Almost everything you eat contains protein: vegetables, grains and seeds. But the main vegetable sources of protein are legumes, soybean products and nuts. You can think of lentils, chickpeas, regular peas, kidney beans, tofu, walnuts, almonds, brown rice, whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta. Protein-rich vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. To be able to form all essential amino acids, you eat a combination of the different products every day. 

What are the best animal protein sources?

Even if you do eat animal products, it is wise to follow a good diet. For example, it is very important what you eat and when. It is best to eat as healthy as possible, you do this by getting 90% of the total calories from healthy products. Focus on eating whole products, you should still be able to tell from the product what it was. Leave everything that comes out of packages, bags or cans as much as possible. Limit the intake of sugars, fried foods and alcohol.

The best animal proteins are in lean meat products. You can think of steak, tartare, chicken, fish and low-fat dairy products. Cheese and eggs can be consumed in moderation. 

What about protein powders?

You don't need protein powders as an athlete, but they certainly serve a purpose. A protein powder is a very convenient product that serves as a supplement. Many people are used to having breakfast with fast carbohydrates and a lot of sugars. Especially in the morning it is very important to get enough good proteins. A protein shake of, for example, a whey isolate is a very good outcome. A protein powder can also be useful if an athlete is in a certain training phase. We don't have the opportunity to prepare our meals all day long, many people lead busy lives. A protein powder is very useful to meet your protein needs at work, for example. 

Just be sure to use a high-quality source of protein. It doesn't matter if you use a plant-based product or an animal-based product based on whey. Plant-based protein powders are usually made from peas. When you buy a protein powder, pay close attention to the ingredient list. The best products contain few additives, such as flavorings and fillers. 


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