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Jonathan Later Arnold Classic training schedule

Jonathan Later Arnold Classic training schedule

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Jonathan Later Arnold Classic training schedule


Week A training schedule Jonathan Later:

Monday Chest + Triceps

Tuesday Back + Biceps + Calves (No. 1)

Wednesday -

Thursday Shoulders + Triceps

Friday Legs + Calves

Saturday Back + Biceps + Abs (No. 2)

Sunday -


Week B Jonathan Later training schedule :

Monday Chest + Triceps

Tuesday Legs + Calves (No. 1)

Wednesday -

Thursday Back + Biceps

Friday Shoulders + Triceps

Saturday Legs + Calves (No. 2)

Sunday -

Then follows week A etc.




-You only does 2 of 3 sets per exercise. Warm-up sets are required for some exercises. With those warming sets you shouldn't waste too much power, it's about the 2-3 work sets. With that 2-3 work sets give you 100%!! If you want more rep can then the specified number then you do that. This means that you should use more weight in the next workout.



-It 2e in 3. e set of an exercise (mostly) with more repetitions of the first set. You must after the first (and possibly second) toolbox therefore reduce the weight slightly so that you go for the second (and possibly third) set the specified number rep (almost) get it!




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